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AI and the Human Touch. How Far Does AI Impact the Human Touch? Will AI take over? One of the
Getting Candidate Attention: The current job market features low unemployment plus high demand for skilled and professional talent across almost
If you are watching news reports and reading posts on the latest tech layoffs, you might feel like the marketplace

The Big Tech Layoff Questions

If you are watching news reports and reading posts on the latest tech layoffs, you might feel like the marketplace is falling apart. Every day my LinkedIn feed shows the latest in announced layoffs on the right side of my screen. Every day it updates constantly.

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About the Tech Layoffs…

About the Tech Layoffs… The 2022 tech layoffs are continuing into 2023. What does that mean for the tech talent market? And what does it mean for anyone needing to hire over the next 6 to 12 months? First, just because Big Tech has been laying off large numbers of people does not necessarily mean

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How to Improve Hire Quality

Perhaps the most important Key Performance Indicator for any recruiting team is the Quality of Hire. Different companies measure this differently, but to make it simple we cover the what and how within the article.

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